6 steps to safer sushi

October 5, 2015

Sushi has become very popular outside of Japan, but one must be careful when choosing their sushi to ensure it is perfectly safe to eat. Here's a few pointers:

6 steps to safer sushi

What to do when you want to eat sushi

  1. Eat only at busy sushi restaurants. You should patronize reputable seafood stores and restaurants that turn over seafood stock frequently.
  2. Ask the sushi chef how long the fish has been frozen. Health Canada advises, and some provinces legally demand, that all fish destined for sushi must be frozen for at least 72 hours (at a temperature between –20°C and –35°C/-4°F and -31°F) to kill parasites. If the chef boasts, "The fish was never frozen, it's all fresh," mosey on to a better joint.
  3. Ask the chef if he's skilled at "candling." This is a method of detecting worms by holding fish up to a candle. If he seems befuddled, out you go.
  4. Notice whether the chef is using gloves to handle the rice and fish. The careful ones do.
  5. Make sure the fish looks fresh. It should be bright and colourful, with deep purples and reds. The deeper the colour, the better.
  6. Use wasabi and add vinegar to your rice. Studies have found that this can kill any bacteria on sushi, further lowering the odds of food poisoning.

Eating sushi is a healthy choice. It's packed with protein and healthful omega-3 fatty acids. But be safe, and follow these guidelines to find a place serving sushi where you won't get sick.

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