6 parts you need to include in your snowmobile tune-up list

December 12, 2014

Ready to start roaring through the trails in your snowmobile this winter? Before you hit the snow, it’s a good idea to give your machine a tune up.

6 parts you need to include in your snowmobile tune-up list

Your snowmobile has likely been in storage for the spring, summer and fall months, and it will require a little bit of work to get it in top shape. If you maintain your snowmobile well, you can keep it running great for years. Not all snowmobiles require the same maintenance, so checking your owners manual is a good place to start. It should have a full section on maintaining your specific model with detailed instructions on how to do so. If you aren’t familiar with working on snowmobiles, it’s likely a good idea to an expert tune-up your machine. If you’re up for the challenge, here’s a checklist that will help you with the essentials:

1. Brakes

Check your breaks for wear on the pads. If they’re looking worn, it’s better to replace them than risk an injury or damage to the snowmobile.

2. Drive belt

Your drive belt is something you should check every time you take your sled out. If it needs changing, make sure your machine is turned off. It’s always better to change the belt at home, but you should still carry a spare with you just in case.

3. Cooling system

Check your owner’s manual for the right tension requirements for the fan or water-pump belt. If your belt looks shiny, that’s a sign that it has been slipping. Be sure to look for other signs of wear on the belt as well, and replace if necessary.

4. Suspension

Look for obvious signs of wear on your sliders or hyfax, and the suspension system as a whole. If any parts appear to be broken, they will need to be repaired or replaced before you head out on the trails. Replacement parts can be ordered from a snowmobile retailer, or the dealer you bought your snowmobile from.

5. Air box

It’s very important to check your air box before you turn on your snowmobile for the first time after taking it out of storage. Any debris could be very harmful to your engine so be sure to clear it out and replace the air filter if necessary.

6. Fuel

Did you add stabilizer to your fuel before putting your snowmobile into storage? If you didn't, or if you can’t remember, you should drain your fuel and replace it before running your machine.

Remember: you should always check your manual for a full checklist of things to look for before you start up your machine.

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