6 easy remedies for joint pain

October 2, 2015

Joint pain and stiffness can make you miserable, but there are ways you can fight back. Check out these six easy remedies for coping with, reducing, or eliminating joint pain.

6 easy remedies for joint pain

1. Lose weight

  • Dropping just 2.5 kilograms (10 pounds) could cut your risk of developing arthritis in half and reduce pain at least that much
  • For every pound you lose, your knees are subjected to two kilograms (4 1/2 pounds) less pressure with every step you take

2. Give acupressure a try

  • The ancient Chinese healing art of acupressure uses thumb and fingertip pressure to stimulate the flow of energy within the body
  • Acupressure works better than physical therapy at easing lower-back pain, according to a Taiwanese study of 129 women and men with chronic pain
  • For the study, 64 volunteers had six acupressure sessions, and 65 had physical therapy.
  • When researchers checked up on them six months later, the acupressure group had 89 percent less pain and disability than the other group. They took fewer days off from work or school, too

3. Strengthen your support system

Strong muscles take stress off joints and relieve pain. In a 2002 study of people with joint pain, performing strengthening exercises three times a week for 16 weeks brought pain relief as powerful as that from prescription drugs.

You don't need a gym membership or fancy weight machine at home; folks in this study used inexpensive elastic bands. Bonus: If you've tried a new, joint-lubricating procedure called viscosupplementation, be sure to exercise as well — the combo cut pain in half in one study.

4. Use wet heat

Applying wet heat can loosen up achy joints, try:

  • "thermographic" heating pad (the type that makes "wet" heat)
  • hot shower
  • hot, wet towels

Do easy stretching exercises as the pain subsides to restore a comfortable range of movement and ease stiffness.

5. Engage in low-impact exercises

Low-impact activities with smooth movements can keep joints flexible, functional, and pain-free. Try out sports and exercises like:

  • stretching
  • swimming
  • water aerobics
  • cycling
  • walking on a treadmill or outside
  • playing golf

Avoid activities that require quick, high-impact jumps, twists, and turns — such as tennis, basketball, racquetball and baseball.

6. Zap it

Buzzing your body with low-level electricity while you sleep sounds like science fiction, but a new arthritis treatment does just that.

  • In studies, the device — known in some countries as the BioniCare Bio-1000 — cut knee pain and stiffness in half after four weeks of use
  • Among people with osteoarthritis whose doctors recommended total knee replacement surgery, 65 percent of those who used the device for four years were able to avoid the operation, compared to seven percent of those who didn't use it, report Johns Hopkins University researchers
  • In animal studies, electrical pulses stimulated the growth of cartilage, the tough, spongy material that cushions joint bones
  • The device must be worn for 6 to 10 hours every day — usually while you sleep or relax — for best results
  • Talk to your doctor if you want to learn more

Joint pain and stiffness due to injury, arthritis or other underlying conditions can make life difficult, but these simple strategies can help you cope in comfort.

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