5 tips to kayak like a pro

November 3, 2015

If you want to start kayaking, there are few tips to heed before you get out on the water. Follow these tricks and you'll be well on your way to paddling like the pros.

5 tips to kayak like a pro

The 5 expert tips that every beginner kayaker should know

  • Kayaking is a great sport for people of all ages. Once you have the right equipment, it's easy to pick it up.
  • Before you set out on your kayak though, there are some important things to learn while you are starting out.

1. Get in shape

Kayaking is a strenuous workout that requires strong physical fitness.

  • Before you get on the water, build your strength and endurance levels by running or bicycling each day to build up your stamina.
  • You'll need strong upper body strength, so do some strength training on your core and upper body as well.
  • Increased stamina and upper body strength will prevent you from becoming too fatigued while you're out on the water -- plus, the better shape you are in when you start kayaking, the easier it will be to learn.

2. Take a lesson

Before you start out on your own, it's a good idea to find a certified professional in the area and take a lesson.

  • Kayaking instructors are easy to find in many areas, and even one lesson will arm you with a lot of valuable hands-on knowledge.
  • You'll also get the benefit of seeing an expert kayaker at work, so you can model your own motions and approach after theirs.

3. Concentrate on technique

Go easy on yourself while you're learning.

  • You don't have to push yourself until you're exhausted -- it's better to focus on learning the technique of paddling, which will ultimately make kayaking much easier (and won't wear you down as quickly).

4. Practice good posture

It's important to sit up straight while you're on your kayak.

  • You can lean forward slightly while you're paddling, but never slouch or lean back because it will give you less control over the kayak's movements.
  • If you set good posture habits from the start, you won't have to relearn them later on.
  • Good posture also makes paddling easier and reduces the likelihood that you'll strain yourself or pull a muscle.

5. Stay on calm waters

While you're learning, stick to ponds or lakes where the water is relatively still.

  • If you're not confident about your technique and ability to manoeuvre, kayaking in the ocean or rivers can be too complicated.
  • Wait until you get more skilled to tackle these.

Remember to always wear a life jacket and helmet to keep yourself safe, no matter what your skill level is. Follow these tips and you will see yourself improving in no time.

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