5 easy ways to help keep kids safe on Halloween

September 14, 2015

Halloween is one of the most exciting nights of the year for children, but it can be dangerous if parents aren't careful. Here are five easy ways to keep your kids safe while ensuring they still have as much fun as possible.

5 easy ways to help keep kids safe on Halloween

[Photo Credit: iStock.com/FatCamera]

1. Plan a route and always tag along

Trick or treating might mean going out walking for a while, which can lead you far away from your house.

  • Sit down with your kids before you go trick or treating and plan a safe, short route that you can walk with them. This will ensure they don't get lost or tired along the way.
  • Try to stay on paths that your kids already know, and be sure that they each have a map or access to a phone to show them where they are in case they – and you – get lost or separated from each other.

2. Use reflective gear

Walking around the streets at night can be dangerous for kids and grownups alike.

  • Make sure your children have plenty of reflective gear on so that cars can see them in the dark.
  • Reflective tape can be applied to any costume to help drivers better see your children.
  • It's also a good idea to carry a flashlight and give one to each of your kids. It can keep the path lit to prevent them (or anyone else) from tripping on something.

3. Wear comfortable shoes

Your kids are going to be excited and will want to run up to people's doors to get candy.

  • Make sure they are wearing comfortable shoes, otherwise they might stumble and fall.
  • Girls should not wear high heels, even if it would go with their costume.
  • You should make sure that all shoelaces are tied so kids don't trip over them.

Generally, you should discourage running up to doors. There may be steps upon which the kids might stumble or, in all the excitement, they could accidentally knock over smaller children.

  • Remind your children that there's plenty of candy to go around, so they needn't rush.

4. Avoid masks

Masks are fun to wear around the house, but the kind that cover your child's whole face can make it hard for them to see or breathe.

  • Try to skip the masks and use face paint instead.
  • A full mask can also make it hard for you to find your child in a group of kids and increases the chance of them getting away from you– even if by accident.

5. Check their candy

When you get home from trick or treating, make sure you check their bag of candy before they eat it.

  • Don't allow children to eat anything that isn't wrapped individually or that looks like it may have been tampered with.
  • Check expiration dates as well.

Ensuring your kids have a fun Halloween sometimes means following a few simple rules that will also help to keep them safe.

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