4 easy habits for a healthy heart

October 1, 2015

Cleanliness is next to godliness, so the saying goes. That may or may not be the case — but what is known for certain is that cleanliness is next to healthiness. Your heart, in particular, will benefit from a clean environment, free of bacteria and viruses, smoke, dirt and general artery-clogging grime.

In a culture that regards eating rich foods, and smoking and drinking too much as grown-up entertainment, clean living gets bad press for not being a bundle of laughs. But living a clean, heart-healthy life doesn't have to be boring.

Here are four easy habits for a healthy heart.

4 easy habits for a healthy heart

1. Ban tobacco

Tobacco is the worst of the pollutants that cause cardiovascular disease. And lighting up not only damages your own heart and arteries; every time you expose someone else to cigarette smoke, it accelerates the hardening of their arteries, too.

Smokers have a 70 per cent greater chance of dying from heart disease than people who don't use tobacco. Plus, overall, a smoker is two to three times more likely to have a heart attack than a non-smoker.

What's more, smokers who have high blood pressure are four times more likely than non-smokers with normal blood pressure to fall victim to a heart attack. And smokers with high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol are a whopping eight times more likely to have a heart attack than non-smokers without high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol.

The longer you smoke, the higher your risk; conversely, the sooner you quit, the faster your heart heals.

Giving up is hard, but with nicotine replacement, modern drugs and willpower, it's certainly not impossible.

If you care about your heart, you must stop smoking. Your doctor will help, and you can be free of smoke today — which will help you enjoy life more than ever.

2. Scrub your hands

Using soap and water stops germs on your hands from getting into your eyes, nose or mouth, where they can multiply and pave the way for infection and heart-damaging inflammation.

Practicing good personal hygiene fights more than colds; it can keep heart disease at bay as well.

3. Have your flu shot

Being vaccinated against influenza can cut your risk of being hospitalized with heart disease-related problems and reduce your risk of having a heart attack if you're already in a high-risk category. Having the flu vaccine is strongly recommended for seniors and those with health conditions, such as diabetes.

4. Keep your teeth clean

The way to your heart is through your mouth — not by way of your stomach but via your arteries. Believe it or not, bacteria from sticky dental plaque can seep through infected gums and cause problems in your circulatory system.

Having clean teeth and healthy gums will really give you something to smile about.

Put these four habits for a healthy heart into practice today so that you can start enjoying a healthier life sooner rather than later.

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