3 tips to child-proof your Christmas decorations

November 6, 2014

Decorating the house for Christmas is all fun and games, but the little ones may complicate this tradition. Here are some festive, child friendly options for your home this Christmas.

3 tips to child-proof your Christmas decorations

1. Deck the halls

A Christmas tree is a must in your home, but how you decorate the tree changes when you have kids.

  • First, consider putting the big tree in an inconspicuous area of the home so your curious toddler doesn't try to climb it or push it over.
  • Place breakable ornaments at the top of the tree, out of your little one's reach.
  • Twinkling string lights can really catch a toddler's eye. A lighted garland on your mantle or railing can add a sparkling touch to your Christmas decorations. Plus, these decorations will be out of your child's reach—just make sure any electrical cords are hidden.
  • Consider adding a miniature artificial Christmas tree in your child's bedroom, playroom or family room. Decorate this tree with ornaments that your child has made, or others made of soft material. This kid-sized tree can discourage your child from exploring the larger one, and it's also an opportunity to make him or her feel special.

2. Choose durable items

Elaborate snow globes and ceramic figurines can add a festive touch to your holiday decor—but not when you have kids.

  • Keep these precious keepsakes packed away or out of your child's reach.
  • Cloth figurines of Santa and Mrs. Claus, snowmen and Rudolph are safe for kids' curious hands.
  • Garlands made of festive ribbon won't break if they're pulled down.
  • A wreath hung on the pantry door will also be out of reach.

These durable items are smart options when decorating with kids around.

3. Create decor with kids

Get your kids in on the Christmas decorating action.

  • Buy a few canvases to create memorable Christmas decorations.
  • Paint a brown tree trunk at the bottom of a canvas. Then, dip your kids' hands in washable green paint and allow them to create a beautiful Christmas tree with their handprints.
  • With a little creativity, their footprints can be turned into penguins or snowmen clad in winter gear.

These homemade art pieces will add a personal touch to your holiday decor for years to come.

Keep in mind

When decorating for Christmas with kids, keep three things in mind.

  1. Choose items that won't break if your child gets a hold of it.
  2. Keep breakable items out of reach.
  3. Finally, add a personal touch to your holiday style by having kids help create memorable decorative items to display.
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