3 kinds of bullies and how to protect yourself

July 28, 2015

Bullying isn't limited to kids in the schoolyard: it can happen at work, online, or in a relationship. Looking for support? Use this guide to learn more about bullying and how to defend against it.

3 kinds of bullies and how to protect yourself

Defend against the 3 types of bullying

  • Physical bullying: If you're ever subjected to physical assault or fear you're in danger, report this to an authority figure immediately.
  • If it's happening at work, good options are your human resources (HR) team or union representative.
  • If the bullying is happening to a child at school, be sure to speak with a teacher or counselor.
  • If the bullying is severe, don't be afraid to speak with police.
  • Psychological bullying: Your best weapon against people who try to undermine you is strong mental fortitude. Refuse to be riled by insults and negative comments.
  • Try to stay objective, and keep notes of specific incidents so that you can present a clear case to HR or a senior manager.
  • Most employers have a strict bullying or harassment policy.
  • If the bullying is happening at school, advise the child to try and ignore the bully and to abstain from giving the bully the reaction they desire.
  • Online bullying: It's always good practice to ensure that you keep your passwords private and use the highest privacy settings possible. This will keep unwanted people out of your account and will make it harder for people you don't trust to acquire your personal information.
  • Try to avoid opening abusive messages, and be sure to block the sender from your email or social media account.
  • If you're being routinely bullied, save or print out the evidence. Even anonymous posters can be traced by the police.

Reach out for support

Bullying can be incredibly stressful and frightening, but you don't need to suffer alone.  Don't be afraid to speak about bullying with the people you trust. It's important to feel supported, and these people may be able to help you find a way out of the abuse.

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