Sorry, we didn't find any business matching “entice-culinary-lounge” in “Toronto ON”. We've expanded your search to include associated keywords in hopes of returning listings that may help you.
1220 Queen St E, Toronto, ON M4M 1L7 Get directions
Italian, American Cuisine, Restaurant With Bar
This, the Leslieville favourite with the giant papier mâché nose announcing its exterior, lays legitimate claim to a range of culinary specialties. Comfy Italian tapas with modern ... more... See more text
Favourite restaurant in Toronto. Clarification on why there are some BAD reviews and some AWESOME reviews: This place USED to be very loud, with really eclectic music playing - sometimes you'd hear edith pfaf, red hot chili peppers, and peaches all in a row. Yeah. I loved it - others did not. (old cranky people) It always confused me why people would go there and be surprised at the volume - they had a reputation. You do know you're a guest who chose to come to someone's private business? If the music's "hurting your ears" - GO EAT AT HOME. You see the 2 hour line-up to get in? They didn't get that by asking people like you what you think of the music!!!! In a couple of years time, I've noticed changes. Service was always excellent, and still is - just a different tone now. The space is more airy these days, and the servers there now seem more mature - the atmosphere is much mellower than in days past. Some would say it's missing the "old spark", others would say it's a great improvement! The FOOD is out of this world. AND ALWAYS WILL BE. Try involtini - it's pulled pork in proscuitto... or something... it doesn't matter what it is because eating it makes you go unconscious. GET IT! Read more
598 Gerrard St E, Toronto, ON M4M 1Y3 Get directions
Pizzeria, Italian, Restaurant With Wifi Internet, Restaurant With Terrace
Mr. Ciao offers Italian classics such as Rigatoni Bolognese and Margherita Pizza, but throws in some fun new twists with Fried Bruschetta and Peking Duck Pizza. Located in the hear... more... See more text
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