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Business listings in Beloeil maintains full business directory listings for in and around the Beloeil, Quebec area. With the most comprehensive business database you can find in Canada, will get you there quicker. If you live around Beloeil, find new user-rated products and services by your home, with .

Living in a city that is covered in snow for a good portion of the year, people in Montreal sure know how to appreciate a warm, sunny day – with drinks on a terrace. Most people with outdoor space, or a patio, consider it to be an extension of their home, and furnish it accordingly. Here are our top picks for outdoor patio furniture in Montreal.
Urban gardening has bloomed in recent years, and not just for environmental reasons – it’s also about fortifying communities and making our cities more attractive. Whether you’re involved with a community garden, or you just want to grow food, plants and flowers in your own yard, here are some great gardening stores in Montreal.
It would be a mistake to stand between a Montrealer and their breakfast, particularly at these fine establishments. We're always looking for an excuse to gather with friends and linger over a delicious meal, and these breakfasts give us all the reasons we need.

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