8 Robert St, Toronto, ON M5S 2K3
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Meet the owner

At the age of four, Mark Brathwaite was already able to strike a chord, something he did anywhere and everywhere. Playing music and singing was what he loved, and armed with a guitar, he'd enthrall friends and strangers at birthday parties and school events. "I have always been a performer both on and off stage," Mark says. "At an early age, I was able to figure out that I wanted to get into music. The path was set out for me, all I had to do was to follow it."

Today, the songwriter, hip hop and rap singer is also the owner of the eponymous MCB Music, a live event and production company that has been creating quite a stir on the music scene since its inception in 2013.

MCB Music offers songwriting and music production services for artists, and Mark also organizes live performances and concerts. "I have collaborated with artists like Madette Mendoza, Jessica Cho of CHOBO, Maccie Paquette, Renée Ashanta Henry and Charmie Deller," says Mark.

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