
Products and Services

  • #shoplocalonline,
202 Augusta Ave, Toronto, ON M5T 2L6
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Meet the owner

As he cruised along Toronto’s streets in 2008 on his longboard, strangers kept asking Ryan Rubin, Longboard Living’s owner, the same question: where did he buy it?

Back then, longboards — which are like skateboards only bigger and better suited for commuting than tricks — weren’t so easy to come by. “I realized that most longboards come from the back of a skate shop,” says Ryan. “I wanted to create an environment and atmosphere for this unique style of skateboard to thrive.”

A bright and intimate Kensington Market boutique that opened in 2010 is Ryan’s execution of that vision. From the stark 200-square-foot space, he sells virtually anything a skater could want: longboards, parts and accessories ranging from helmets to graphic tees.

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Editor’s Pick
For the skaters: Toronto’s top skateboard shops

For the skaters: Toronto’s top skateboard shops

This store specializes in the growing popularity of a type of skateboarding that focuses less on tricks and more on speed and travel. Longboard Living started out in 2008 and has expanded into the Niagara region after the success of their Kensington Market store. They carry all the latest longboard inventory, including clothing and safety gear, and complete boards and parts.

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